Criminal History & Offense Severity


Distribution of Criminal History

Hover over the figure to see specific data points.

Criminal History by Race-Ethnicity

Hover over the figure to see specific data points. Doubble click on the legend to isolate a particular variable

Distribution of Risk Level (LSI:RNR)

Hover over the figure to see specific data points.

Risk Level by Race-Ethnicity

Hover over the figure to see specific data points. Doubble click on the legend to isolate a particular variable.


Distribution of Offense Severity by Race-Ethnicity

Distribution of Offense Type by Race-Ethnicity

PSI Recommendations



Data Specs


Data Specs

This site summarizes data based on 10,088 Pre-Sentence Investigation reports that were obtained from the Utah Department of Corrections’ (UDOC) database O-Track between October 2015 and September of 2017. It should be noted that these data are descriptive statistics only and do not take into account underlying factors that may explain differences in outcomes across groups.