Evidence Based Approaches

Strategic Goal: Evidence based programs and practices are available and implemented with quality and fidelity through each point of the justice system.

Oversight Requirements & Progress

The JJOC is tasked with supporting implementation and expansion of evidence based juvenile justice programs and practices. Utah legislative requirements for the JJOC are listed below along with a summary of the progress through FY 2020 and tactical plans.

1. Support and Evaluate

Support implementation and expansion of evidence-based juvenile justice programs and practices, including assistance regarding implementation fidelity, quality assurance, and ongoing evaluation (HB 239 lines 2154 - 2156).

Progress Summary

Tactical Plan

2. Develop a Timeline

Develop a reasonable timeline within which all programming delivered to minors in the juvenile justice system must be evidence-based or consist of practices that are rated as effective for reducing recidivism by a standardized program evaluation tool (HB 239 lines 2203 - 2205).

Progress Summary

Tactical Plan

3. Provide Guidelines for Evaluation Tool

Provide guidelines to be considered by the Administrative Office of the Courts and the Division of Juvenile Justice Services in developing tools considered by the Administrative Office of the Courts and the Division of Juvenile Justice Services in developing or selecting tools to be used for the evaluation of juvenile justice programs. (HB 239 lines 2206 - 2209).

Progress Summary

Tactical Plan