Performance based contracting

Strategic Goal: Contracted providers deliver evidence based services tailored to a juvenile justice population with a high degree of quality and fidelity to the model so that their efforts effectively reduce likelihood youth will reoffend.

Oversight Requirements & Progress

The JJOC is tasked with assisting in the development of a performance-based contracting system for contracted services provided to youths in the community and out-of-home placements and making recommendations about third-party or intermediary entities that will support the performance-based contracting system.

1. Development

Assist in the development of a performance-based contracting system, which shall be developed by the Administrative Office of the Courts and the Division of Juvenile Justice Services for contracted services in the community and contracted out-of-home placement providers (HB 239 lines 2217 - 2220).

Progress Summary

Tactical Plans

2. Recommendations

Examine and make recommendations on the use of third-party entities or an intermediary organization to assist with implementation and to support the performance-based contracting system authorized in Subsection (1)(m) (HB 239 lines 2157 - 2159).

Progress Summary

Tactical Plans