Treatment Resources

Below are resources available that have been recommended for treatment, Medicaid, and Prevention.


Justice Certification

As a part of Utah’s Justice Reinvestment Initiative, the Department of Human Services/Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health (DHS/DSAMH) is responsible for providing certification of behavioral health treatment programs in the state of Utah. The standards are mandatory for treatment providers who serve individuals that are incarcerated, or required to participate in treatment by a court, or the Board of Pardons and Parole. 

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Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health & Local Authorities

DSAMH’s vision is to contribute to the development of healthy individuals, families and communities. Substance use disorders and mental illnesses are chronic diseases. However, prevention works, treatment is effective, and
people recover. Mental health and substance use disorder treatment services are available in every county.

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Utah Health Policy Project

UHPP is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization advancing sustainable health care solutions for underserved Utahns through better access, education, and public policy. UHPP envisions a future in which all Utahns have access to high quality and affordable physical, oral and behavioral health care and are equipped to make informed decisions within a system that meets their health care needs in a timely manner.

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Parents Empowered is a media and education campaign funded by the Utah Legislature and designed to prevent and reduce underage drinking in Utah by providing parents and guardians with information about the harmful effects of alcohol on the developing teen brain, along with proven skills for preventing underage alcohol use.

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