Youth to adult offending


Research Efforts

Like many other states, Utah invests a great deal of resources into its juvenile justice system to address delinquent behavior. The goal of these efforts is to address and correct youth delinquent behavior to prevent further criminal behavior as these youth mature into adults. Up to this point, Utah has lacked a mechanism for determining the share of juvenile justice-involved youth that reaches the adult criminal justice system. To address this, the Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice in 2020 contracted with the Sorenson Impact Center to examine this area of research. Below are briefs that provides background literature on the relationship between youth to adult offending, the main findings from the Utah Pathways Study, and a focus on racial and ethnic disparities. You will also find the link to the full study at the bottom of this page. It is important to keep in mind that the full study examines Utah's juvenile system before it underwent reform policies that passed in 2017. When more data for later years become available, future research efforts are needed to examine impact of reform.