2025 Legislative Positions Week 4
CCJJ serves as the hub for criminal and juvenile justice issues for the State of Utah while acting as a coordinating body for policy development. To facilitate this, we work closely with many stakeholders, legislative committees and task forces throughout interim and during the general session. Below you will find the weekly positions of bills that may have a direct or indirect impact on the criminal and juvenile justice system.
2024 CCJJ Annual Report
In 2024, CCJJ continues to facilitate the nomination process for the growing number of judicial vacancies; oversee the statewide distribution of federal and state grant dollars; respond to the increasing demand for extradition requests; further program evaluations on specialty supervision programs and data analysis of prison population projections; foster collaborations to advance the Public Safety Data Portal Initiative; create space to discuss issues on DUI sentencing, recidivism, youth gun violence, sex offense registries, and automatic expungement; launch the Safe at Home Program; and continue to carry out responsibilities as outlined in justice policies passed by the legislature and Governor.
2024 Juvenile Justice Report
The Juvenile Justice Oversight Committee (JJOC) was created within Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice and is statutorily responsible for overseeing the development of performance measures to track juvenile justice reforms, ensuring stakeholder engagement in identifying relevant performance measures, supporting implementation and expansion of evidence-based juvenile justice programs and practices, and gathering and analyzing data that measures the impact of policy changes.
2024 JRI Annual Report
This annual update of criminal justice policies builds on reports from previous years, with an emphasis on presenting data consistent with the original goals of the reforms.