assessment tools

Strategic Goal: Fidelity implementation of a tool that reliably assesses youths’ risk to (a) reoffend between the time a referral to the Juvenile Court is made and a court hearing process, (b) fail to appear at a court hearing.

Oversight Requirements & Progress

The JJOC is tasked with assisting in the development of a validated detention risk assessment tool that shall be developed or adopted and validated by the Administrative Office of the Courts and the Division of Juvenile Justice Services as provided in Section 78A-6-124 on and after July 1, 2018 (HB 239 lines 2221 - 2224). 

1. Detention Risk Assessment Tool (DRAT) Development


Progress Summary

The Detention Risk Assessment Tool (DRAT) was created and tested an empirically based risk assessment tool in FY 2018. JJS staff who would administer the tool were trained in the spring of 2018. The tool was implemented in all JJS locked detention facilities as of July 1, 2018.

2. Ongoing Monitoring and Training


Progress Summary

A JJOC subcommittee, the DRAT Working Group, has been delegated the task of ongoing training and monitoring of the tool. The group continues to meet on a quarterly basis.

Tactical Plan

  • Regularly test and report on the tool’s predictive validity.
  • Adjust the tool as necessary (in response to above step).
  • Ensure staff receive ongoing training.
  • Regularly review the tool’s impact on the decision making process including issues such as DMC, override criteria, and reoffense patterns.
  • As data become available, incorporate failure to appear.
  • Assess reliability and data accuracy.

3. Continue Review of all Assessments


Progress Summary

A subcommittee led by staff from the Juvenile Court and JJS regularly meets to review the Pre-Screen Risk Assessment (PSRA) and Protective and Risk Assessment (PRA). The PSRA is a brief risk assessment tool designed to screen youth in the preliminary stages of involvement with the juvenile justice system and determine if additional assessment is needed. The PRA is an in-depth risk and needs assessment that examines a wide variety of factors related to the youth’s strengths and challenges in different areas of criminogenic including delinquency history, school, employment, relationships, environment, historic and current family dynamics, alcohol and drugs, attitudes and behaviors, and skills. This subcommittee is tasked with review and implementation of any changes to the PSRA and PRA. The group continues to meet on a quarterly basis.

Tactical Plan

  • Regularly review PSRA and PRA.
  • Adjust the instructions and administration of the tools as necessary (in response to above step).
  • Ensure staff receive ongoing training.
  • Regularly review the tool’s impact on the decision making process.